The word that defines CCBC’s participation in the PDAC 2019 is synergy. In one of the most relevant mining events in the world, the Chamber’s schedule was fully coordinated with the agenda of its partners, so that the public had access to a full content of lectures and debates.
CCBC associates who participated in the special mission organized for the PDAC had access to an encouraging networking, knowledge and business environment at an event that brought together some 25,000 participants from more than 130 countries.
Total associate support for new business opportunities
The Chamber was represented at the Brazilian government booth, located in the main pavilion of the fair, and also made available its own booth to support the associate.
Through a partnership with the National Bank of Canada, the members of the mission participated in a cocktail party with investors associated with the Bank. At Brazilian Mining Day, a full day of lectures on business opportunities in Brazil, CCBC presented its acknowledged work in bringing Brazilian and Canadian companies closer together.
In addition to access to PDAC, one of the highlights of the mission was a visit to the Toronto Stock Exchange (TSX), Canada’s largest stock exchange and the world’s largest stock exchange for the mining industry.
Brazil is emphasized
According to information from Brasil Mineral website, this was the first time that the country entered as one of the sponsoring nations of PDAC, where it showed innovations such as the creation of the National Mining Agency (ANM), the modernization of regulations that brings more legal certainty for the sector and the dissemination of a solid database on geological, geochemical and geophysical information of the national territory.
The PDAC also had the presence of the Brazilian Minister of Mines and Energy, Admiral Bento Albuquerque, who gave a speech with an optimistic tone on the changes in the country scenario promoted by the new government.
Among CCBC’s partners at the event were government agencies and important entities of the industry, such as the Agency for the Technological Development of the Brazilian Mineral Industry (ADIMB).
“The joint actions open new perspectives for collaboration between ADIMB and CCBC”, says Roberto Perez Xavier, the Agency’s executive director, who presented Brazil’s mineral potential at Miller Thomson’s Seminar Series at the invitation of the Chamber.
ADIMB coordinated the activities of the official delegation of Brazil to the PDAC.
The PDAC 2019 was held from March 3 to 6 in Toronto.