Platform gathers more than 2 thousand sources of information in a few seconds
One of the biggest assets of a company is information, but usually information is scattered, without any possibility of analysis – and that is where the work of Uplexis is born. Its teams have the task of organizing and structuring data available on the web to streamline decision making in the corporate environment. From a platform of its own, Uplexis allows access to more than 2,000 sources in a few seconds, which used to take hours or days in the past.
The data originate from public websites such as the Federal Revenue Service, Restrictive Lists, regulatory agencies, courts (Court of Justice / Federal Regional Court / Superior Court of Justice / Supreme Federal Court) Interpol, UN Lists, OFAC, FBI, European Lists, French Lists; paid information sites such as Serasa Experian, Boa Vista and SPC, Google; and private data, when the customer has access to this type of indicator on pages like Thomson Reuters and Dow Jones.
“Imagine getting into each other’s website, looking for where the information is. This research takes up to 40% of the time, which could be invested in data analysis and other activities, says Juliano Guimarães Santos, Head of Sales of the company.
Uplexis was founded in 2005 with the monitoring of deadlines, processes and keywords in the Official Gazettes of Brazil, for the legal department of a financial institution. Currently, one of the main beneficiaries of its performance are the areas of Compliance.
Preventing Corruption is an Opportunity
With the “Mensalão”, “Lava Jato” and anti-corruption law of 2013, Brazilian companies have increased their interest in compliance. “Our data is fundamental to knowing the physical and legal persons with whom you are dealing. In this way we prevent the relationship of a company with those who practice fraud or act irregularly”, explains Juliano.
Uplexis is already present in six countries beyond Brazil and is studying to start acting in Canada. Among the reasons for choosing your next destination is the great technology moment experienced by Canadians and the growing presence of Brazilians in the country. “As immigrants do not have a local history, this creates the need for companies to seek information about Brazilians in their place of origin, which creates an opportunity for Uplexis”, says the Head of Sales, who sees in the CCBC a partner key to understanding the Canadian market and getting to know local public sources.
The Uplexis platform, called upMiner, also has utility for areas such as Human Resources and Commercial, assessing potential candidates for a job position or buyers. Among its clients, there are companies in the oil and gas, health, mining, stock brokerage sector, among others. Your next step is to study, through artificial intelligence, how the collected data can be delivered already analyzed.