CCBC’s Education Hub initiative will promote free master classes in November with experts from the University of Montreal
By Sérgio Siscaro
The growing presence of technology in all aspects of modern life makes the discussion of its impacts an ever-urgent necessity. After all, in a constantly changing world, being prepared to adapt quickly can be the difference between success or failure in professional and personal life.
To discuss the topic, the Education Commission of the Chamber of Commerce Brazil Canada (CCBC) is inaugurating its work with the Tech Journey project. Through the initiative, professors and doctors from the University of Montreal will teach five master classes during the second half of November that will discuss the practical impacts of technological advances in different areas of daily life, and how society can prepare for them.
These classes will be free, and participants will receive certificates of attendance endorsed by the university and the CCBC.
Reflections on the future
Aimed at a professional, non-technical audience, these master classes will be aimed at areas of activity that are most impacted by changes in the scenario. Processes such as the digitization of the economy, industry 4.0, the development of artificial intelligence, the internet of things and the development of distance interaction forms have changed the daily lives of people around the world, and the objective of the Tech Journey project it is to contribute so that this transition is beneficial in all areas – professional, educational and even everyday.
The team of professors from the University of Montreal that was invited to participate in the initiative was chosen based on their ability to anticipate future scenarios and analyze their impacts on society. On the 21st, Professor Christian Baron has occupied the chair in Biochemistry and Molecular Medicine since 2008, and will address the growing resistance of diseases to existing drugs – a very current topic, given the Covid-19 pandemic. The cybersecurity challenges in the business world will be the object of the lecture by Professor Esma Aïmeur, specialized in artificial intelligence, on the 24th.
The following day, the implications of bioinformatics on genetic processing will be addressed by Professor Nadia El-Mabrouk, who has a doctorate in Theoretical Computer Science. On the 29th, it is the turn of the future of home office work in the post-pandemic era to be analyzed by diversity management expert Tania Saba. Finally, on the 30th, the University’s Law and Innovation professor, Pierre Larouche, will discuss the impact that new technologies have on the universe of law.
Classes will be taught in online format, with simultaneous translation, and posted on CCBC’s YouTube channel.