Tavros is a specialized Boutique Consultancy in tailor-made Projects for medium and large companies, with a focus on the mining, education, retail and legal segments.
Among the services provided by the consultancy is Tavros Attorney Performance, a Management Consultancy that helps law firms become efficient businesses. To achieve this, Tavros operates across four dimensions: strategy and performance, finance, processes and people, and develops projects to build solutions for the identified issues.
As a boutique consultancy, Tavros consultants work together with clients to understand each one’s specific needs and then develop solutions tailored to each demand. This involves utilizing a framework of management tools that range from the creation of processes to the use of information technology.
“Personalized work provides better assertiveness in our client’s result”, explains Christiano Barros, xxxxxx Tavros.
Within the process, the consultancy develops the following projects:
– Diagnosis: Tavros carries out a free evaluation of the management structure of the Law Firm.
– Solution Proposal: The findings from the Diagnosis serve as the basis for a Consultancy work if requested by the client.
– Development and Implementation: The Consultancy is developed and implemented within the Client’s Office.
– Follow-up: Tavros establishes Management rituals to ensure the execution and solidification of the Consultancy.