Quick Trade Facts, a special report from the CCBC that provides information on the commercial exchange between Brazil and Canada, arrives at its third edition. The document gathers several indicators from official sources, providing information on trade between the two countries.
Check out some of the best news the report brings, comparing data from 2018 to 2017:
- Current trade between the two countries (sum of imports and exports) increased by 25%
- The value of Brazilian exports to Canada grew by 23%.
- The value of imports of Canadian products by Brazil increased by 28%
- The trade balance (exports minus imports) of the Brazilian trade balance is positive, US$ 1.1 billion, 15% higher than in 2017
To check the analysis of these results by the CCBC commercial team, click here.
Gourmet Food & Beverage
In the area of strategic content, the CCBC has another project, with similar name and in progress for over a year, with several editions. The idea of Quick Market Facts is to present statistics and a snapshot of varied areas in fast movies. The next edition is scheduled to launch in late February and will feature the Brazilian gourmet food and beverage market for Canadian exporters. Here are some of the highlights of the CCBC team review that will appear in the video:
- In 2017, Brazilian wine imports increased 35% compared to the previous year, reaching more than 120 million liters, according to the Brazilian Wine Institute.
- In the same period, the Brazilian cheese market reached US$ 7.2 billion in retail value, representing an increase of 18% over the previous year, according to Euromonitor International.
- In the last decade, the value of salmon imports has grown about sevenfold, from US$ 76.59 million to US$ 508.18 million.