Startups will have up to 60 seconds to convince investors in event
If you found a big investor unexpectedly in the elevator, how long would it take to convince him to believe in your startup? Certainly, not much. And it is this premise that moves the São Paulo Elevator Pitch. The event will be organized by the CCBC in partnership with SP Negócios in the next edition of the SP Tech Week, a technology week held by the city hall in November.
Pitch is nothing more than a brief introduction that the founders of startups often make to potential investors. The SP Elevator Pitch takes this elevator story so seriously that the main stage of the event will be an elevator of the Santander Lighthouse, a traditional 35-story skyscraper in the center of the São Paulo capital, inspired by the Empire State Building in New York.
There the entrepreneurs will participate in two stages. At first, a mentoring with experts will help them perfect their speeches on the eighth floor. Then a representative of each startup will have 60 seconds to present their project to two jurors, climbing inside the elevator to the twenty-sixth floor. The pitch will be repeated so that the chat can also occur in English.
Win a trip to Canada
In all, there will be 40 startups participating, with pitches that will be evaluated by Brazilian and Canadian professionals of prominence in the technology and business market.
Out of the five finalists, three will be eligible to enter a three-week acceleration program in Canada. In addition to fluency in English, to be enrolled in the SP Elevator Pitch the startup must be headquartered in Brazil, have a dedicated business team and up-to-date travel documentation. Evaluation criteria are the stage of development of the product or service, results, business model, among others.
Registration is open until November 7
São Paulo Elevator Pitch
R. João Brícola, 24 – Centro
Date: November 26
Time: from 12 a.m. to 7 p.m.
Happy Hour: Salve Jorge – Praça Antonio Prado, 33
Learn more about Canada House, another event held by the CCBC at the SP Tech Week.