The year 2018 was marked at CAM-CCBC by major initiatives to promote transparency. The main one has to do with the practice of incorporating resolutions to the regulation, which has consolidated in the last twelve months. “Our regulation is excellent, but things are not tight. They need to be updated and the best way to do it according to the Center’s administration is to issue resolutions”, says Carlos Forbes, president of the institution.
One of the resolutions of 2018 concerns female representation. In February, the CAM-CCBC officially committed to include at least 30% of women among speakers, debaters or exhibitors at academic events and panels of events it supports or sponsors. Committees and appointment of arbitrators also contemplate similar rules.
In another resolution, the Center stated that it could be chosen to administer arbitration procedures under the United Nations Commission on International Trade Law (Uncitral) regulation, increasing its scope of action. It is a pioneering initiative in the country.
In addition, the administrative phase (before the constitution of the court) became fully electronic, streamlining arbitration procedures. “The publication of a resolution reveals to the public our routine, the subjects that are on the agenda. Instead of saving what we know, we have in those resolutions a unique opportunity to tell the world how the Center works”, Forbes explains.
More than half of the new Arbitration cases are processed by the CAM-CCBC
The CAM-CCBC plays a key role in the development of Brazilian arbitration. The figures are from the survey “Arbitration in Numbers and Values”, published by Selma Lemes Advogados in 2018, after evaluating the six largest arbitration chambers in the country. From 2010 to 2017, the Center was responsible for the administration of 45.37% of the new arbitration cases in the country. By 2017, 54.20% of the on-going cases were processed by the CAM-CCBC.
Among the institution’s activities in 2018, one of the most striking ones for the city was the 1st SP Arbitration Week, which hosted 19 industry-related events under the same umbrella, in addition to the traditional CAM-CCBC Arbitration Congress. The Congress is one of the largest Arbitration events in the world and last year gathered around 500 participants.