Time of reforms
Structural changes in the economy can make Brazil even more attractive to international companies and investors By Sérgio Siscaro and Estela Cangerana One of the ten largest economies in the world, with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of R$ 6.8 trillion in 2018...
How much do your employees in Brazil really cost? (for Canadian and other foreign companies)
By Pablo Mourente, Lawyer and Head of International Business at David & Athayde Advogados. It is quite a common-sense opinion, at least for Brazilians or people who already know the Brazilian market, that the employment costs in Brazil are very high. And the...
President of the CCBC is re-elected. Learn more about his plans.
Lawyer Paulo Perrotti was re-elected for another term in the CCBC, referring to the 2019-2020 biennium. In 2017, he became the 22nd President of the Chamber by replacing Esther Donio Bellegarde Nunes. According to Perrotti, among the brands of his management are...
New Business Expectation at CCBC Canada Office
Opened in November last year, CCBC's office in Montreal is already approaching companies and encouraging new business. The 2019 calendar began heated with a Road Show of the food and beverage industry for Canadian companies interested in exporting to Brazil. The...
Countries are optimistic for formalization of an agreement that will benefit companies
CCBC actively monitors the progress of negotiations for a trade agreement between Mercosur and Canada. The parties involved in it have been optimistically observing the changes in the foreign relations of Brazil - the largest and most influential South American...
Trade mission in one of the largest mining fairs in the world
The word that defines CCBC's participation in the PDAC 2019 is synergy. In one of the most relevant mining events in the world, the Chamber's schedule was fully coordinated with the agenda of its partners, so that the public had access to a full content of lectures...
A tour of Brazil and Canada “boarding” from São Paulo (SP), Rio de Janeiro (RJ) and Belo Horizonte
Attention passengers, it's time for an unforgettable trip. The Exchanging Glances project is organizing a photo tour: a series of exhibitions in São Paulo, Rio de Janeiro and Belo Horizonte, with images of some of the most famous cities in Brazil and Canada. The goal...
Arbitrator on CAM and CCBC Associate
Nadia de Araujo has a plural relationship with CAM-CCBC. In addition to being included in the list of arbitrators indicated by the Center for Arbitration and Mediation, her office is an associate of the Chamber, frequently attending Chapter Rio events. Professor of...
How Your Business Can Benefit From Artificial Intelligence
Cars that are self-driving, software that writes journalistic texts, refrigerators that tell the supermarket that a product has run out, authorizing the purchase of new units. It has always been irresistible to sound futuristic when talking about Artificial...