Time of reforms

Time of reforms

Structural changes in the economy can make Brazil even more attractive to international companies and investors  By Sérgio Siscaro and Estela Cangerana   One of the ten largest economies in the world, with a Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of R$ 6.8 trillion in 2018...

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New Business Expectation at CCBC Canada Office

New Business Expectation at CCBC Canada Office

Opened in November last year, CCBC's office in Montreal is already approaching companies and encouraging new business. The 2019 calendar began heated with a Road Show of the food and beverage industry for Canadian companies interested in exporting to Brazil. The...

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Arbitrator on CAM and CCBC Associate

Arbitrator on CAM and CCBC Associate

Nadia de Araujo has a plural relationship with CAM-CCBC. In addition to being included in the list of arbitrators indicated by the Center for Arbitration and Mediation, her office is an associate of the Chamber, frequently attending Chapter Rio events. Professor of...

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