Stéphane Larue takes over as head of the Chamber in Canada
Former Consul General of the country in São Paulo brings with him the experience with Brazil acquired in a decade living in the country
Artificial intelligence and machine learning: International regulation from ethical, moral, social and economic aspects
Neste artigo, o vice-presidente de Serviços da Câmara de Comércio Brasil-Canadá (CCBC), Paulo Perrotti, discute os impactos das novas tecnologias.
Finvest launches project in MG
A Finvest Real Estate faz parte do Grupo Finveste atua como gestora de ativos imobiliários. Tem como objetivo prospectar, desenvolver e gerir projetos de natureza imobiliária. Com um time multidisciplinar, atua desde a fase operacional e legal, maximizando a monetização dos ativos.
Marcato Group joins the Brazil Hub
Especializado em oferecer soluções integradas e customizadas em engenharia e gerenciamento de projetos atendendo a indústria, centros comerciais e logísticos. O Grupo Marcato iniciou suas operações em 2013 e nesta primeira década já expandiu sua equipe para mais de 160 funcionários, tem três unidades no estado de São Paulo – duas em Hortolândia e uma em São José dos Campos – e uma operação em Houston (EUA).
Canadian investors interested in Brazil
Opportunities in sectors such as transportation, energy, technology, and sanitation will continue in 2023.
CCBC returns to Exposibram
The return of the fair to the face-to-face model gives continuity to the Chamber’s role in bringing Brazilian and Canadian companies closer together.
Technology and Creativity in Canada
CCBC resumes mission to C2, the event held in Montreal that encourages participants to learn about innovative and creative solutions.
A look at the Canadian healthcare sector
Mission promoted by CCBC takes Brazilians to learn how the Canadian hospital system works, and opens the possibility of bilateral cooperation.
Air Canada launches call back system
Air Canada has launched a new way to speed up customer service. The call back system makes it possible for passengers to choose whether they would like an airline agent to return their call or to continue waiting in the queue for a call that exceeds two minutes.