Chamber of Commerce Brazil-Canada


CCBC offers bespoke services to open doors for the Brazilian entrepreneur in Canada and Canadian in Brazil. Whether it is exporting, importing, investing or internationalizing your business, the Chamber gives you all the support you need to ensure the success of each endeavor. The membership board is composed of companies that are interested in the Brazil-Canada relationship.

Associate testimonials

Gideão Guilherme, CEO - Sales Manager, Fresh Quality

“Participating in a mission with CCBC was essential in the maturation of Fresh Quality’s business. Being introduced in the international context under the wings of an organization specialized in COMEX facilitates and shortens the entrepreneur’s journey […]”

Denis André Côté, Vice-President Latin America, Genetec

“Genetec was established in Brazil in 2012 and we were not known in the market at that time. The association with CCBC helped us gain access to various companies, entities and government bodies, as it gave us credibility […]”

Marcelo Andrade, Managing Director, Lucalex

“I have been fortunate to work closely with CCBC for several years now. Firstly, I have always been impressed by the team’s professionalism, dedication and commitment to supporting the internationalization of companies […]”

Discover CCBC’s services and see more Success Stories!

List of Members

Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
Norquest College
Niagara College
Nadia de Araújo Advogados
MYR Projetos Estratégicos e Consultoria Ltda
Murray Advogados
Mundimeta Consultoria e Representação Comercial Ltda. (Upland Objectif Lune)
MR Turing Tec.Em Proces.Em Ling. Natural Ltda
Montréal International
Monte Bravo Corretora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários
Mohr-Bell Business Planning Ltda.

Confira a lista completa aqui
A2B Health/10357456 Canada Inc.
AD2ID Group Ltda
Advocacia Lunardelli
Air Canada
Alabarse Comércio de Frutas Ltda
Albuquerque Pinto Soares Vieira Advogados
Amg Consultoria Empresarial
Ancar Invanhoe Shopping Centers
Andrade Maia Advogados
Associação Passos Mágicos
Azevedo Sette Addvogados
Bee line -Wildlife Control Inc.
BelaVista Brasil
Bemisa Holding S.A
Biolab Sanus
Boyden do Brasil
Brasil Salomão e Matthes Advocacia
Brookfield Brasil Asset Management Investimento Ltda
BRP Brasil Motorsports Ltda.
Cabinet Gelber Liverman
CAE South America Flight Training do Brasil Ltda.
CEOLab Consultoria Ltda.
Cescon, Barrieu, Flesch & Barreto Sociedade de Advogados
Cisne Negro Filmes
Clir Renewables Inc
Copap Inc.
CSA Centro de Serviços Aeronauticos LTDA
Desjardins Caisse Portugaise
Easy Choice Tour LTD
Ecco Soma Soluções em Energias Renováveis Ltda
Edmonton Global
Ellio Inc.
Empathy Consultoria em Publicidade Ltda.
Engine BR
Escritório de Quebec em São Paulo
Export Development Canadá - EDC
Fairfax Brasil Seguros Corporativos S.A
Ferreira Alegria Advogados Associados
Fleury Coimbra Rhomberg Advogados
Fonseca e Salles Lima Advogados Associados
Forbes, Kozan e Gasparetti Sociedade de Advogados
FP Arbex
Fundação Victor Dequech – FVD
Gallagher Brasil Corretora de Seguros Ltda
Gardiner Roberts LLP
Genetec Brasil Informática Ltda
Geoinform Pesquisas Geologicas Ltda.
Georgian College
Gowling WLG LLP
Grupo Pro Tork - Marlon Bonilha Eireli
Handbag Mining
HMS Financial Inc.
Hurb Technologies SA
IHT Group
Investment 4 Impact
Kinross Brasil Mineração S.A.
KPMG Auditores Independentes
Lefosse Advogados
Lifetime Gestora de Recursos Ltda
Lobo de Rizzo Sociedade de Advogados
Lucalex Holdings Inc.
Maple Canada Adversiting Publicidade
Marcato Engenharia e Comércio Ltda
Marcelo Correa Consulting
Massa Pesagem e Automação Industriasl Ltda EPP
Masterlab Solution Tecnologia Integrada Ltda
Matriz Capital Assesor de Investimento Ltda
Mattos Filho, Veiga Filho, Marrey Jr. E Quiroga Advogados
Mccain do Brasil Alimentos Ltda.
McCarthy Tretault
Mineração Aurizona S/A (Equinox Gold)
Mineração Maraca Indústria e Comércio S/A (Lundin Mining)
Mitsidi Serviços e Projetos Ltda
Moby Tecnologia da Informação Ltda
Mohr-Bell Business Planning Ltda.
Monte Bravo Corretora de Títulos e Valores Mobiliários
Montréal International
MR Turing Tec.Em Proces.Em Ling. Natural Ltda
Mundimeta Consultoria e Representação Comercial Ltda. (Upland Objectif Lune)
Murray Advogados
MYR Projetos Estratégicos e Consultoria Ltda
Nadia de Araújo Advogados
Niagara College
Norquest College
Northern Alberta Institute of Technology
Nutrien Soluções Agrícolas Ltda
Onnipresenza Agronegócios Brasil Ltda
Optel Vision
Pastre Ramos Advocacia
Pearson Education do Brasil
Pereira, Dabul Advogados
Pinhão e Koiffman Advogados
Pinheiro Neto Advogados
Progesys Acctio Ltda.
PW Export
RM Consulting
Sabará Químicos Ingredientes S.A.
Sambé Café Brasileiro
Santa Helena Indústria de Alimentos S/A
Saskatchewan Latina America Office
St. Lawrence College
Stefanini Canada
Tanzilli e Brunschwig Sociedade de Advogados
Taste Of The North Inc.
Tauil & Chequer Advogados
The Sault College of Applied
Thomson Reuters
TMX Group
Tozzini, Freire Teixeira e Silva Advogados
Travel Plus
Trench, Rossi e Watanabe Advogados
Universidade de Montreal
University Canada West
VCI do Brasil Ind. e Com. de Compósitos Ltda.
Veirano & Advogados Associados
Vinci Capital Gestora de Recursos Ltda
William Freire Advogados Associados
Worten Group Ltda
Youvisa Tecnologia de Viagens Ltda
Zero Defect

Do you want to join CCBC? Click here

Learn about some of the advantages of being a CCBC member:

Performance taIlor made< /h4>
CCBC’s specialized team listens, understands the scenarios, the market, and guides associated entrepreneurs, with the construction of specific projects for each business need.

Profile raising

Through its marketing services, events and business actions, CCBC puts your company on the market’s radar. The associate gains visibility and becomes known in Brazil and/or Canada.

Contact Mapping

CCBC’s long-standing expertise and solid base of relationships allow it to identify the best business opportunities for members and facilitate the promotion of networking between them and potential partners, suppliers, buyers.

Market adaptations

Experienced professionals advise on the need for changes to products and/or sales approaches to achieve success in the Canadian and Brazilian markets.


The work of the various CCBC commissions provides access to a series of opportunities, promotes the development of specific markets, the analysis of present and future scenarios, the debate on the challenges and achievements of the sectors, in addition to opening path to an interesting networking network.

Use of the physical structure of the Chamber

Members can take advantage of the resources and spaces of CCBC’s modern and complete infrastructure for their events and business meetings.

Access to exclusive market studies

Complete studies of sectors with good bilateral business opportunities are periodically produced and made available to members. On demand, analyzes of specific segments of interest to the member can also be carried out.

I’m interested in joining

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