AR 41/2020

Amendment to the Calendar 2020

Ref.: Amendment to the Calendar 2020
CONSIDERING the public notice of the Decree no. 59.450 of May 18, 2020 which decided, for the municipality of São Paulo, to anticipate Corpus Christi and Black Consciousness Day holidays to May 20 and 21, 2020 and declared May 22,2020 as optional work day;

The President of the CAM-CCBC in the use of the powers conferred on her by article 2.6 (c) of the CAM-CCBC Rules, approved on September 1st, 2011, resolves to issue this resolution in amendment to Administrative Resolution nº 38/2019, which set forth the Calendar 2020.

Therefore, CAM-CCBC will not be open for business on the following dates:

Date Week Day Holliday
05/20/2020 Wednesday Corpus Christi
05/21/2020 Thursday (long weekend) Black Consciousness Day
05/22/2020 Friday Black Consciousness Day
07/09/2020 Thursday 1932 Constitutional Revolution Day
07/10/2020 Friday (long weekend) 1932 Constitutional Revolution Day
09/07/2020 Monday Brazil’s Independence Day
10/12/2020 Monday Our Lady of the Apparition
11/02/2020 Monday All Soul’s Day

Business days take into account the activities of the CAM-CCBC headquarters at São Paulo and Rio de Janeiro offices.

This resolution rules only about the business days of CAM-CCBC, it does not modify the rules of Administrative Resolution nº 40/2020 which suspended onsite activities in its offices.

In addition, the following provisions of the resolution regarding the Calendar 2020 are maintained:

Business days shall be so considered those in which the CAM-CCBC is open for business. In the case of notifications, communications or other acts performed on a day when the CAM-CCBC is not open for business, these will be considered as performed on the subsequent business day.

Likewise, deadlines due on a day when the CAM-CCBC is not open for business shall be postponed to the first subsequent [1], business day, pursuant to Article 6.6.2 [2] of the CAM-CCBC Rules.

In addition, to better organize the works, we also communicate that CAMCCBC will be in recess from December 19, 2020 until January 3, 2021. All deadlines will be suspended during such period, and shall resume on January 4, 2021.

Recess Date Week Day
Start 12/19/2020 Saturday
End 01/03/2021 Sunday

São Paulo, May 19, 2020
Eleonora Coelho
President of the CAM-CCBC


[1] Thus, if – for example – a notification is received on a non-business day, such as on a Saturday or a Sunday, then for purposes of time counting it will be deemed to have been received on the subsequent business day, usually a Monday.

[2] CAM-CCBC Rules, Article 6.6.2. A time period will be considered to extend to the next business day if it expires on a day during which the CAM-CCBC is not open for business.